Linux Commands Commonly Used In DevOps
1. ls: List directory contents.
2. cd: Change directory.
3. pwd: Print working directory.
4. mkdir: Create a directory.
5. touch: Create a file.
6. cp: Copy files and directories.
7. mv: Move or rename files and directories.
8. rm: Remove files and directories.
9. find: Search for files and directories.
10. grep: Search for patterns in files.
11. cat: Concatenate and display files.
12. less: View file contents page by page.
13.head: Display the first lines of a file.
14. tail: Display the last lines of a file.
15. vi/vim: Text editor.
16. nano: Text editor.
17. tar: Archive and compress files.
18. gzip: Compress files.
19. gunzip: Decompress files.
20. wget: Download files from the web.
21. curl: Transfer data to or from a server.
22. ssh: Secure shell remote login.
23. scp: Securely copy files between hosts.
24. chmod: Change file permissions.
25. chown: Change file ownership.
26. chgrp: Change group ownership.
27. ps: Display running processes.
28. top: Monitor system resources and processes.
29. kill: Terminate processes.
30. df: Display disk space usage.
31. du: Estimate file and directory space usage.
32. free: Display memory usage.
33. uname: Print system information.
34. ifconfig: Configure network interfaces.
35. ping: Test network connectivity.
36. netstat: Network statistics.
37. iptables: Firewall administration.
38. systemctl: Manage system services.
39. journalctl: Query the system journal.
40. crontab: Schedule cron jobs.
41. useradd: Create a user account.
42. passwd: Change user password.
43. su: Switch user.
44. sudo: Execute a command as another user.
45. usermod: Modify user account.
46. groupadd: Create a group.
47. groupmod: Modify a group.
48. id: Print user and group information.
49. ssh-keygen: Generate SSH key pairs.
50. rsync: Synchronize files and directories.
51. diff: Compare files line by line.
52. patch: Apply a patch to files.
53. tar: Extract files from an archive.
54. curl: Perform HTTP requests.
55. nc: Netcat — networking utility.
56. wget: Download files from the web.
57. whois: Lookup domain registration details.
58. dig: DNS lookup utility.
59. sed: Stream editor for text manipulation.
60. awk: Pattern scanning and processing language.
61. sort: Sort lines in a text file.
62. cut: Extract sections from lines of files.
63. wc: Word, line, character, and byte count.
64. tee: Redirect output to multiple files or commands.
65. history: Command history.
66. source: Execute commands from a file in the current shell.
67. alias: Create command aliases.
68. ln: Create links between files.
69. uname: Print system information.
70. lsof: List open files and processes.